What Is Anti-Racism?
Anti-racism is a social justice movement aimed at combating
racist inequities. With these tips and examples, you can learn what steps you
can take to become anti-racist.
The process of combating racism through action and ideas is
known as anti-racism. Because many policies and cultural norms are the result
of systemic racism and the oppression of people of color, change requires
active awareness and action. People who are anti-racist work hard to identify
racist thoughts, subconscious prejudice, and policies, and then take action to
combat them.
As the Black Lives Matter movement and police violence
against the Black community have gained prominence in recent years, so has the
anti-racist movement. Many activists have stated that simply being
"anti-racist" is insufficient to alter unconscious biases. Given
these events, the anti-racist movement's goal is to educate, inspire, and
effect long-term change in US policies and behavior.
Why Is Anti-Racism Important?
Anti-racism is important because it raises awareness of
racist behaviors and policies and encourages them to change. Even after the
Civil Rights Movement's advances, the Black, Latinx, Asian-American, and other
racial groups continue to face racism and implicit bias in their daily lives.
Anti-racist actions work to achieve racial equity in all
areas of society, including the criminal justice system, health care, the wage
gap, public health, and public education.
Anti-Racism Examples
There are numerous ways to practice anti-racism and combat
inequity. Here are a couple of examples:
Discuss racism with your friends and family. Talking about
the history of racism in your community and speaking up when you see (or hear)
it happening is an essential part of being anti-racist. This is especially
important if your community is homogeneous, as you may have never interacted
with people from different backgrounds.
Volunteer. There are numerous anti-racism organizations, so
look for one in your area and volunteer your time.
Be observant and attentive. If people of color share their
stories with you, listen, ask questions, and offer your support.
Look for diversity. Look for diverse environments
(social settings, jobs, clubs, and volunteer organizations). This will help you
learn about others and find people who are working for racial equality.
4 Tips on How to Be an Anti-Racist
Being anti-racist necessitates putting in the effort to
change your mind and dismantle racist systems. Use the following suggestions to
incorporate anti-racist behavior into your own life:
1. Educate yourself. Learn about racism and white
supremacy in the United States of America by reading books, listening to
podcasts, and speaking with others. You can find free reading lists on the
internet. Learn about the systems that oppress Black people and other people of
color, as well as how those systems have perpetuated white privilege.
2. Consider your own racial bias. Because many
communities are descended from racist systems, you most likely have your own
subconscious biases. Bring your defensiveness about racist ideas and biases to
light so that you can work to change them.
3. Talk about race. Discuss racist ideas and the
history of racism (or recent examples) with your friends and family, and don't
be afraid to have difficult conversations.
4. Take action. Volunteer with non-profits, donate, and
speak out against racism. This includes pointing out instances of racial
injustice and microaggressions against communities of color.