The Science Behind Laser Vision Correction

Recognizing the Value of Visual Clarity and Acuity
The factors that help determine visual acuity include
refractive error, visual angle, illumination and/or brightness, contrast, and
period of exposure. Other potential indicators are irradiation, colour, glare,
width of pupil, attention, and fatigue. The benchmark for healthy (or
“perfect”) vision is typically a visual acuity measurement of 20/20.
However, there are a significant number of people whose
vision does not fit within these parameters, meaning they suffer from vision loss. This may range in severity depending on the cause, extent of damage, and
pre-existing conditions.
Vision loss is defined on a broad scale as a limitation in
one or more functions of the eye or visual system, most commonly involving:
• Impairment of visual acuity
• Impairment of visual fields
• Impairment of colour vision
The main causes of vision loss vary from case to case.
However, there are currently four categories and an “other” that are used to
make a diagnosis. They include:
• Age-related macular degeneration (AMD)
• Cataract
• Diabetic retinopathy (DR)
• Glaucoma
• Other causes of vision loss
Decreased visual clarity and acuity come with a multitude of
challenges. The various cost components can impact every aspect of an
individual’s life, affecting their overall quality of life, well-being, and
longevity. The cost of vision loss is comprised of four components:
• Healthcare system costs
• Productivity costs
• Other economic and financial costs
• Loss of well-being
The Importance of Visual Acuity
Visual acuity is a measurement used to determine how sharp
your vision is when you look at objects at a certain distance. It is typically
represented in fractional scores, the most commonly recognized one being 20/20.
Eye care professionals measure visual clarity or acuity
through a variety of different tests designed to determine how sharp or clear
someone can see from 20 feet away. From there, a determination is made about
the quality of your vision, and if any further intervention is required to help
improve it.
Why does visual acuity matter?
Considering how much we rely on our eyesight to get through
our day-to-day lives, we must receive the necessary care and
support. Understanding your visual acuity matters for the following reasons:
Treatment: Conducting an eye exam ensures you receive the
correct medication and/or treatment for any potential eye disorders or vision
Legal functions: Visual acuity tests can help determine your
eligibility for certain legal privileges, such as possessing a driver’s
Monitoring disease: Regular visual acuity tests can help
monitor the progression of eye diseases, while also showing the effectiveness
of current treatments.
Anyone who does not have a visual acuity score of 20/20
could be a candidate for visual correction, including eyeglasses, contact
lenses, and/or vision surgery, such as LASIK. The extent of your treatment
should be determined by a healthcare professional.
The Science Behind Laser Vision Correction: Corneal Reshaping
Recognized as the most commonly performed laser vision correction procedure, LASIK (laser-assisted in-situ keratomileusis) combines the application of an excimer laser and a hinged corneal flap.
The excimer laser is a computer-controlled laser that allows
an eye care professional to have complete control over the amount of tissue
that is removed from the cornea. During the procedure, a layer of the cornea
(known as the corneal flap) is folded back to provide access to a deeper layer
of the cornea that is reshaped by the excimer laser.
PRK (photo-refractive keratectomy) was the first type of
laser vision correction to be performed. During the procedure, the outer layer
of corneal skin cells is removed. The entire layer of corneal skin is removed
without creating a flap, ensuring the tissue underneath can be reshaped. Once
the skin removal is complete, an excimer laser is used to reshape the corneal
tissue to help correct vision.
Combining the benefits of both LASIK and PRK, the SMILE
(small incision lenticule extraction) procedure requires only a small incision
without creating a flap. Using a single laser, a thin contact lens-shaped layer
just beneath the surface of the cornea is created. This layer is then removed
through a tiny 2 to 3-millimeter opening, leaving the surrounding tissues to
heal together.
Correcting Refractive Errors: Nearsightedness, Farsightedness, and Astigmatism
Nearsightedness—also known as myopia—refers to a vision
issue where objects far away appear blurry. This occurs when your eyeball is
either too long or your cornea is too curved, forcing light to focus in front
of your retina rather than precisely on it. As a result, distant objects appear
blurry to you.
Treatments include:
• Prescription eyeglasses
• Contact lenses
• Laser vision correction
Farsightedness—also known as hyperopia—occurs when your
eyeball is shorter than normal, or your cornea is not sufficiently curved.
Symptoms of this condition can include blurry vision up close and/or discomfort
when focusing on reading or writing tasks. When this happens, your long-range
vision remains unaffected.
Treatments include:
• Prescription eyeglasses
• Contact lenses
• Laser vision correction
• Astigmatism
Astigmatism is usually indicated by vision that is blurry at
all distances. This is caused when the curvature of your cornea and your lens
does not match, which results in overlapping images that appear blurry.
Astigmatism can either be present at birth or the result of an eye injury,
disease, and/or surgery.
Treatments include:
• Prescription eyeglasses
• Contact lenses
• Laser vision correction
Precision and Customization: Optimizing Visual Acuity Outcomes
EX500 Excimer Laser
With its increased speed and precision, this blade-free
method of accessing the underlying corneal tissue helps patients achieve
optimal vision.
This approach allows doctors to create a corneal flap
without having to use a traditional microkeratome. Using highly precise laser
energy, this process eliminates the need for a blade, thus reducing the risk of
flap complications.
Wavefront LASIK
Wavefront technology makes it easier to create a custom
treatment plan for patients who are undergoing laser vision correction. Through
eye-mapping technology, this tool can detect minute, high-order
aberrations. This map is then used to guide the laser throughout the entire
corrective procedure.
Photo-Refractive Keratectomy (PRK)
Using a precise laser to correct a patient’s vision
problems, this technology eliminates the need to create a flap in the cornea.
Instead, the thin protective top layer of corneal cells is removed. A laser is
then applied directly to the cornea, altering its shape and addressing any
visual errors.
Factors Influencing Visual Acuity Outcomes
To achieve good visual and refractive outcomes after a laser
vision correction procedure, eye care professionals must pay attention to all
aspects of care regarding the patient. Regularly reviewing procedures
retrospectively can help achieve lower complication rates, while simultaneously
improving overall visual outcomes.
The Importance of Laser Vision Correction
It is recommended that people receive comprehensive visual
acuity tests regularly to prevent the development of vision issues,
diseases, and other impairments. With the appropriate solution—whether that be
eyeglasses, contact lenses, or laser vision correction—most people can achieve
clear vision.