How to Develop Secure Attachment as an Adult
People who have strong attachments can form and maintain
close relationships. Discover what secure attachment is and how to change your
attachment style as an adult.
What Is Secure Attachment?
The ability to form healthy long-term relationships with
friends, family, and romantic partners is referred to as secure attachment. In
early childhood, secure attachment develops. Primary caregivers must meet a
child's needs in infancy and early childhood in order to help the child feel
safe; this sense of security aids in the development of a secure attachment.
Insecure attachment styles can be caused by inconsistent
parenting and childhood trauma. In romantic relationships, people with insecure
attachment styles, such as fearful-avoidant, dismissive-avoidant, and
disorganized attachment, frequently fear abandonment and lack emotional
What Is Attachment Theory?
Attachment theory is the evolutionary and social psychology
theory of British psychoanalyst John Bowlby about how humans form attachment
patterns. Attachment theory, developed by Bowlby, examines the relationship
between young children and their primary caregivers.
This fundamental early attachment promotes personality
development and predicts how people perceive others as attachment figures or
individuals with whom they can form an emotional bond. People with secure
attachment styles can form healthy relationships with romantic partners and may
find it easier to stay in love with their partner over time.
Attachment Theory in Early Childhood
In the 1960s and 1970s, American-Canadian psychologist Mary
Ainsworth introduced the concept of the secure base in early childhood
development, building on John Bowlby's theory of attachment behaviours and the
work of other attachment theorists.
1. Infant attachment: During the first year of life, a child
identifies a single person as a primary caregiver. The child will have one of
three potential attachment relationships with that person: secure attachment
(in which the child's needs are met), avoidant attachment (in which the child
avoids the caregiver due to a lack of trust), and anxious attachment (in which
the child avoids the caregiver due to a lack of trust) (in which the child
fears abandonment because of inconsistent parenting).
2. The Strange Situation: Ainsworth created The Strange
Situation laboratory to research behavioural systems in the first year of a
child's life. In this procedure, psychologists observe how a child (aged nine
to thirty months) behaves when his or her caregiver converses with a friend,
leaves the child with the friend, and then returns to the child. This procedure
is repeated several times to assess how well young children comprehend their
secure attachment.
3. Human development: The amount of time children spend with
their parents, as well as the quality of that time, are important factors in
developmental psychology and the ability to form secure relationships. If the
primary attachment figure abandons the child or fails to provide a safe haven
for them, the child may develop a fear of the unknown and feelings of
insecurity. Early secure attachment is critical for emotional development and
positive mental health.
4 Signs of Secure Attachment in Adults
People who have a secure attachment have a positive outlook
on life. People who exhibit this attachment style share a few key
characteristics, which include:
1. Self-awareness: People who have secure attachments are
aware of their own emotions as well as how they affect others, which leads to
greater empathy and emotional intelligence.
2. Self-esteem: People with secure attachments tend to have
healthy self-confidence as a result of early childhood encouragement.
3. Socialization abilities: People with secure attachment
styles find it easy to form and maintain friendly and intimate relationships.
They can express themselves freely to others, allowing partners and friends to
do the same.
4. Good mental health: People who have secure attachment
patterns can understand and control their emotions, practice mindfulness, and
show grace and care to themselves and others.
How to Develop Secure Attachment as an Adult
A positive childhood experience predicts secure attachment,
but you can change your attachment style as an adult. Consider the following
methods for establishing a secure attachment as an adult:
1. Improve your self-esteem. Participate in activities and
hobbies that boost your self-esteem. Avoid spending time with people who make
you feel bad about yourself.
2. Accept assistance. Be emotionally available by offering
assistance to those in need and seeking emotional support from others when
3. Express your emotions. Share your thoughts in a
constructive manner. Develop your emotional intelligence by thinking before
speaking so that you can consider how your words and actions may affect others.
4. Concentrate on healing. A therapist can assist you in
developing soft skills that will allow you to better understand your emotions
and relationships with others. Therapy can also teach you how to form future
5. Become more mindful. Learn how to meditate, express
gratitude, and journal on a regular basis to keep track of your emotions and
personal progress. If you want to stick to a self-care plan, you must schedule
personal time on your calendar.
4 Adult Attachment Styles
Different attachment styles will emerge in adulthood as a
result of early development. Attachment theory has been applied to adult close
relationships by theorists. Adult attachment relationships include the
1. Ambivalent attachment style: Individuals suffering from
attachment security anxiety, also known as ambivalent attachment,
anxious-avoidant, or anxious-attachment style, are excessively needy and
clingy. They do not have enough self-esteem to fully trust themselves or
others, resulting in separation anxiety and constant worry about secure
attachment and loss of attachment.
2. Dismissive-avoidant attachment style: People who have
these attachment experiences avoid emotional vulnerability and perceive
closeness as a sign of weakness. Those suffering from this attachment disorder
will not rely on others but rather expect others to rely on them, resulting in
an imbalance in a relationship.
3. Disorganized attachment style: Disorganized attachment, also known as disoriented or fearful-avoidant attachment, may describe partners who have difficulty regulating emotions and feel unworthy of affection. People who have experienced severe trauma, often sexual or physical abuse as children, may have a disorganized attachment. People with disorganized attachments can benefit from therapy and a strong social network.
4. Secure attachment style: The foundation of healthy adult relationships is a secure attachment system. Partners in secure attachment styles meet the emotional needs of others without using manipulation or abuse. They are emotionally dependent on one another while maintaining individual differences and interests. This equilibrium promotes a fulfilling relationship.